Prescott Arizona Area Attractions
Located in Verde Valley, the restored fort houses a museum with Native American, pioneer, and military artifacts. The doctor's quarters, officers' quarters, and the married housing are furnished in authentic period furniture. [Visit their web site]
Located in Clarkdale, the area was oringally settled by the Sinagua Iindians in 1000 A.D. and abandoned 425 years later, the monument preserves their pueblo that contained 110 rooms and several hundred burials. The visitor center displays pottery, bone tools, textiles, beads, and bracelets. [Visit their web site]
Located just north of Verde Valley, this monument contains a cliff dwelling built in the 12th and 13th centuries containing 20 rooms. Perched on a vertical cliff, the dwelling is thought to have been inhabited by the Sinagua Indians. [Visit their web site]
A detached portion of Montezuma National Monumnet, Montezuma Well is a 470 ft sinkhole surrounded by pueblos and cliff dwellilngs. A self-guided trail along with picnic facilities are available. [Visit their web site]
Whiskey Row
Known for the numerous saloons that once lined the street, Whiskey Row is located in beautiful downtown Prescott. Today, fine restaurants, shops, and antique stores are the order of the day.[Visit their website]
Arcosanti is architect's Paolo Soleri's vision of urban utopia. the completed project, located in Cordes Junction, will house an artistic community with living and working facilities for 5000 inhabitants. A bakery, gallery, cafe, tours, and guest rooms are available to visitors.[Visit their website]
Verde Canyon Railroad
Located in historic Clarkdale, this railroad offers a scenic ride through the North Verde River Canyon and the Sycamore Wilderness area located near Sedona. Sunset rides are offered during the summer months.[Visit their website]
Chapel of the Holy Cross
Designed and built by sculptor, Marguerite Brunswig-Staude, the chapel, located in Sedona, was completed in 1956. The chapel offers inspiring architecture and exquisite views in every direction.[Visit their website]
Tlaquepaque Arts & Crafts Village
This arts and craft village, authentically fashioned after a traditional Mexican village, has tasteful galleries, unique shops, and restaurants within its vine covered stucco walls, cobble-stoned walkways and magnificent arched entryways.[Visit their website]